My Mortgage Blog — Latest Posts
Government Committee Reports on Mortgage Changes
Followingweeks of consultationswith mortgage experts, the government’s Standing Committee on Finance has issuedfive recommendationsforParliament.Theystem from the government’smortgage changeslast fall...
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You can be mortgage-free!
Housing market activity continues to be an important driver of the Canadian economy. Housing activity creates jobs in the construction and real estate industries, and trickles down to impact the many...
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Bidding Wars -- Cause or Effect?
What was once the phenomena of the two, major urban centres --Vancouver and Toronto -- has now bubbled over to smaller cities and communities within commuting distance of the big two.Bidding wars are...
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Millennials need help with home ownership
Recent reports from two of Canada’s major banks -- CIBC and ScotiaBank -- offer a glimpse into the world of millennials and home ownership as well as the impact of the Internet on mortgage hunting....
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